Mitchell S.V. Elkind, MD


Professor of Neurology and Epidemiology at Columbia University

Chief of the Division of Neurology Clinical Outcomes Research and Population Sciences (Neuro CORPS) at Columbia University

Chief Clinical Science Officer at the American Heart Association (effective September 2022)

Dr. Elkind’s research focuses on stroke prevention, inflammatory and infectious biomarkers in stroke risk prediction, atrial cardiopathy, immune therapy for acute stroke, and vascular causes of cognitive aging. Dr. Elkind is the Principal Investigator of several independent investigator awards from NIH/NINDS, including the ARCADIA trial, the Northern Manhattan Study (NOMAS), the Neuroprotection with Statin Therapy for Acute Recovery Trial (NeuSTART), and the Levels of Inflammatory Markers in Treatment of Stroke (LIMITS) study. Dr. Elkind was President of the American Heart Association 2020-2021.